Peter has transformed his experience of sexual abuse as a teenager into a lifelong commitment to decipher the nuances of power, and, when power is misused, to restore dignity for all involved. Peter was sexually abused by a young, dynamic priest who befriended him, mentored him, and then betrayed his trust.
In so doing, the priest – and later the church hierarchy – disrupted Peter’s connection to his religion, and left him struggling to understand the dangers and complexities of power. As a reporter, a child-protection case manager, a batterer intervention counselor, and as an expert working with national organizations such as Stop It Now! and 1in6, Peter has sought to infuse his work with his capacity to see those who use their power to harm others, not as monsters, but as human beings in their full complexity.
And his life is infused with the love nurtured in his closest relationships, in his family. “I feel like I have a wonderful life. I love my family, I love my daughter, I love my wife. I feel like I’m a good father. I like who I am.”